jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011

PRESS RELEASE, Centelles vs. Watchtower

Agustí Centelles i Ossó Heirs
Barcelona, 23th March 2010

Issue: Judicial demand for photographic use without permission

Sergi and Octavi centelles i Martí have ordered their lawyers to lodge a complaint before the court against “Jehovah’s witnesses” organisation due to the use without permission, authorisation, authorship omission, picture mutilation and worldwide use of an image made by Agustí Centelles i Ossó.

The religious organisation got a photographic copy without use permission, from the History town Institut of Barcelona city council. During the purchase of the photographic copy, they omit the worldwide circulation not observing the use terms of the delivery note nor handing over complimentary copies to the archive.

The picture was taken during Lleida bombing in November 1937, and it shows a woman crying before de dead body of her husband. This picture was published in “La Atalaya” magazine the 15 February 1994, page 3.

After a year of negotiations trying to avoid a jucial demand by reaching an agreement, and before the “Jehovah’s witnesses” organisation attitude, the Agustí Centelles i Ossó heirs have feel forced to lodge a demand against them, for the use of this picture published in a magazine in more of 116 languages. And, afterwards, it has been re-use in a book in several editions without print-run date.

The object of this demand is the recognition of the author, and fair compensation for moral and material damages as consequence of its use; always with all the due respect to the beliefs of each society group.

This case is the first of several claims for illegal uses of Agustí Centelles i Ossó pictures. Other publishers have simply tried “to steal” the authorship by stating “unknown author”.

Barcelona, 23th March 2010

Sergi and Octavi Centelles i Martí

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